Our vacancies

Below you will find vacancies for all kinds of great roles. Do you not see a suitable role right away?  Or would you like to orientate? Contact us for an informal (online) cup of coffee or email us your open application together with your CV and your motivation. We look forward to meeting you!

Your application

Applied for one of our vacancies? You will receive immediate confirmation that we have received your application.

You will receive feedback from us within a week of the closing date of the vacancy. If we are enthusiastic and see common ground, we will start with a good conversation. Preferably at our office. We will then explore whether your personal ambitions and our way of working match. And whether roles within Octatube match who you are and what you want to do. If so, we will make another appointment. You will meet teammates and other Octans. We will into more detail about the role, your knowledge and skills, and who you are. This way you will get a good picture of Octatube and we get a good picture of you. Is there a match and are we both enthusiastic? hen we will send you a proposal with our terms of employment. We will arrange all this digitally. Less personal, but fast and efficient.


Rotterdamseweg 200
2628AS Delft
+31 (0)15 789 00 00

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